So Delicious non-dairy ice cream bars are on Advantage Buy at Publix right now for $3.50. Plus, click HERE and HERE for $1-off coupons.
I tried a coconut almond bar for the first time tonight. It's been about three weeks since I started My Vegan Experiment, and about two weeks since I stopped eating desserts of any kind. I've been carrying around two big hang-ups that I put to the test tonight:
- Does non-dairy chocolate and ice cream taste good? The answer is yes, yes, yes! The chocolate was great - no different than regular dairy chocolate. The ice cream is actually fantastic! It's very rich and creamy, and has a subtle coconut flavor that works well in ice cream.
- Can I handle occasional desserts without falling back into sugar addiction? That's yet to be seen. I ate it about 30 minutes ago, and so no sugar cravings just yet. I will say that this product does adhere to my "no empty calories" rule. It actually adds a few good things into the mix:
- 3 grams of fiber
- 2 grams of protein
- 6% of the daily value of iron
- only 10 grams of sugar (agave and beet sugar)
- although there is 7 grams of saturated fat, coconut milk is rich in medium chain fatty acids, and potentially has a number of health benefits (another controversial topic)